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Dragalia Lost Weapons List


This is the list of all weapons of Dragalia Lost. The table below shows you the rarity, attributes, and how to get these weapons. Please utilize the table of content or use CTRL + F to find your preferred weapon.


  • Sword List
  • Blade List
  • Dagger List
  • Axe List
  • Lance List
  • Bow List
  • Rod List
  • Wand List

Sword List

Dragalia Lost Weapons Sword List
Dragalia Lost Weapons Sword List

Blade List

Dragalia Lost Weapons Blade List
Dragalia Lost Weapons Blade List

Dagger List

Dragalia Lost Weapons Dagger List
Dragalia Lost Weapons Dagger List

Axe List

Lance List

Bow List

Rod List

Wand List

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