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Bloons TD 6 Wiki Guide - From Beginner To Expert


This Bloons TD 6 wiki guidewill give you all the information you need for btd 6. This is a game that relies heavily on the previous btd 5. The graphics are more enhanced and has the premium feel. However, it is using the same formula that we are trying to ‘get tired’ off.

Each fight takes place on a map. There’s a part you run through the map and its up to you where to place your monkey to make sure that none of the evil balloons will make it all the way along the path.

Just like btd 5, there are loads of monkeys to choose from but you need to unlock them through playing. You got monkeys with darts, pirates monkeys, ninja monkeys, and wizard monkeys.

The tactic is simple: defend the choke point of the map and you have a very good chance of winning the game.

  • Download Bloons TD 6 on Google Play if you’re Android user
  • Download Bloons TD 6 on Appstore if you’re iOS user

Bloons TD 6 Device Requirements

You can find the whole device requirements from Ninja Kiwi support page.

If you’re an iOS user:

  • iOS 11 or later
  • This game is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and even iTouch. But they mentioned to use iPhone 7, iPad Mini 4 or above for best experience.

If you’re Android phone user:

  • There’s no clear statement from Ninja Kiwi as they said it will depend on which device you are using, I suggest reading the whole article from the link above.

Note:I personally use Sony Xperia XA Ultra with 3GB of RAM so I suggest using similar device. But I remember playing BTD 5 on lower spec phone so I’ll leave it up to you guys to test.

Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey)

In this game, you are using monkeys as the main defense. They are grouped into four categories and I listed all the monkey towers available in-game below.

Primary– you can find the most affordable tower on this group. Actually, you can win an easy and medium difficulty by using these towers. My favorite are dart monkeys.

Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) game screenshot
Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) game screenshot
  • Dart Monkey
  • Boomerang Monkey
  • Bomb Shooter
  • Tack Shooter
  • Ice Monkey
  • Glue Gunner

Military– the cool thing about this class is that they have huge and destructive AoE damage. From the spectral aircrafts up to the pirate ship, this class have it all.

BTD 6 monkey military towers
BTD 6 monkey military towers
  • Sniper Monkey
  • Monkey Sub
  • Monkey Buccaneer
  • Monkey Ace
  • Heli Pilot

Magic– this class amplifies damage and does AoE damage. Although most of the upgrades are costly, it’s very worth it. The new Druid class is my personal favorite.

Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) magic towers
Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) magic towers
  • Wizard Monkey
  • Super Monkey
  • Ninja Monkey
  • Alchemist
  • Druid

Support– now I suggest having one of this towers once in a while. They can help you detect those pesky camo bloons and also lets you make a lot of money (get those tier 5 upgrades!).

Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) support towers
Bloons TD 6 Tower Guide (Monkey) support towers
  • Banana Farm
  • Spike Factory
  • Monkey Village

Bloons TD 6 Map Guide

Just like the monkey towers, maps are also divided into four categories. Each map has three difficulties and each difficulty have their own challenges.

Bloons TD 6 Map Guide expert map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide expert map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide intermediate map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide intermediate map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide beginner map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide beginner map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide advanced map
Bloons TD 6 Map Guide advanced map
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Expert

After you select your preferred difficulty. You’ll be asked to select another difficulty to play and they are:

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard

Take note that all of the three have 1000 monkey cash reward each.

Bloons TD 6 Hero Guide

This is what makes BTD 6 special. You have four heroes to choose on your defense, each have their unique abilities which are helpful on every situation.

  • Quincy– proud, strong, and intelligent, Quincy uses his box to perform feats of amazing skill.
  • Gwendolin– he believes there hasn’t yet been a Bloon problem that can’t be solved with fire. Lots of fire.
  • Striker Jones– a strong Commander who uses his knowledge of long range combat to greatly boost the power of explosives.
  • Obyn Greenfoot– commanding powers of nature, Obyn can shoot through solid obstacles with his spirit wolf attack.

Bloons TD 6 Powers Guide

Powers are like addons in the game. You can purchase them using Monkey money that you earn everytime you clear a stage or daily challenge.

Bloons TD 6 Powers Guide powers
Bloons TD 6 Powers Guide powers
  • Super Monkey Storm– it’s a squadron of flying super-powered laser-beamin’ monkeys who destroy every single bloon on screen and do big damage to MOAB-class Bloons.
  • Monkey Boost– all towers attack twice as fast for 15 seconds.
  • Thrive– increase cash production from all of your towers by 25% for the rest of the round and the entire next round.
  • Time Stop– if sometimes things just move too quickly, use Time Stop to briefly halt all action so you can focus on managing your monkeys.
  • Cash Drop– need a quick cash top-up? Get Monkey Command to fire down one of these bad boys stacked with cash asap!
  • Banana Farmer– if you’re tired of picking up those Bananas yourself, get this guy. Farmer will auto-gather all bananas in his radius so you don’t have to.
  • Pontoon– place almost any land tower on water with the Pontoon. Just deploy it in the water, then place your land tower on top.
  • Road Spikes– a huge stack of Road Spikes ready to lay down wherever you need them most.
  • Glue Trap– this sticky trap will slow the first 100 Bloons that go over it before it disappears.
  • MOAB Mine– a powerful mine that detects the presence of MOAB-class bloons and will explode causing lots of damage.
  • Camo Trap– this trap will remove Camo state from the first 100 bloons that touch it.
  • Portable Lake– nowhere to float your boat? Smart monkeys know they can place a portable lake on land, allowing any water unit to be deployed within its waters.

Most of the time you will find yourself using Camo Trap, Banana Farmer, and Portable Lake.

Bloons TD 6 Knowledge Guide

Just like in BTD 5, you can make upgrades for your favorite tower. Unlike the previous version, the upgrades are now tiered so choose carefully on where to spend your knowledge points.

Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge Guide

You can do these challenges to earn Monkey money or when you’re board. Just make sure you already unlocked all the map so you can play every challenge.

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